引用本文:刘 庆,杨红军,史衍玺,舒 龙. 环境中邻苯二甲酸酯类(PAEs)污染物研究进展[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2012, 20(8): 968-975
LIU Qing,YANG Hong-Jun,SHI Yan-Xi,SHU Long. Research progress on phthalate esters (PAEs) organicpollutants in the environment[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2012, 20(8): 968-975
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刘 庆1, 杨红军1, 史衍玺2, 舒 龙3
1.滨州学院 山东省黄河三角洲生态环境重点实验室 滨州 256603;2.青岛农业大学资源与环境学院 青岛 265200;3.博兴县农业局能源环保站 博兴 256500
摘要:  邻苯二甲酸酯(PAEs)是一种环境激素类化合物, 在生物体内有极强的富集作用, 对环境安全和人体健康的威胁极大, 目前已引起了人们的广泛关注。本文从PAEs有机污染物在环境中的分布特征、分析与检测方法、生物富集与迁移以及生物与非生物降解等方面综述了国内外最新研究进展, 认为环境中的PAEs大部分来源于人工合成途径, 可被土壤、沉积物及一些悬浮泥沙中的有机物质所吸附。PAEs进入土壤或大气环境后, 通过作物吸收作用会在作物体内有一定残留, 环境中的PAEs可通过生物与非生物两种方式进行降解, 生物降解被认为是PAEs降解的主要形式。文章指出了已有研究中存在的不足之处并对未来的研究进行展望, 认为今后应着重从PAEs的环境行为、PAEs健康风险评价、PAEs污染的治理与削减技术以及PAEs替代产品开发等方面开展相关研究。
关键词:  邻苯二甲酸酯 生物富集 迁移转化 生物降解 分布
Research progress on phthalate esters (PAEs) organicpollutants in the environment
LIU Qing1, YANG Hong-Jun1, SHI Yan-Xi2, SHU Long3
1.Key Laboratory of Eco-environmental Science for Yellow River Delta, Shandong Province;2.Binzhou University, Binzhou 256603, China;3.College of Resources and Environment, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 265200, China
Abstract:  Phthalate esters (PAEs) are widely used as plasticizers, serving as important additives to increase flexibility of polymers and to make them ideal for use as plasticizers. A variety of possible chemical structures of PAEs induces a wide range of physicochemical properties and enhances environmental partitioning behavior for this class of compounds. As organic pollutants, PAEs can intensely accumulate in biotic organisms and poses immense security problems to the environment and human life. PAEs have therefore gained tremendous attention due to the threat they pose. This paper presented a comprehensive and critical review on research progress regarding PAEs in the environment, distribution in the environment, analysis and detection methods, migration and transformation behaviors, bioaccumulations, and abiotic and biotic degradations. A more consistent trend was that PAEs in the environment were mainly from synthetic sources. PAEs were appreciably absorbable by organic matter in soils and sediments, aerosol particles or some suspended matter in surface water. PAEs were also absorbable by vegetation with certain residues in vegetative parts. Abiotic and biotic degradations were the two degradation methods of PAEs in the environment, but the main mode was biotic degradation. This paper also pointed out the limitations in current studies and future research prospects on PAEs. Recommendations for further research initiatives such as environmental behavior, health risk assessment, treatment and abatement technology, and substitute products development were put forward.
Keyword:  Phthalate esters (PAEs), Bioaccumulation, Migration and transformation, Biodegradation, Environmental distribution
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