引用本文:戴志刚,鲁剑巍,鲁明星,杨文兵,范先鹏. 水稻秸秆用量对淹水培养土壤表层溶液理化性质的影响[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2010, 18(1): 20-24
DAI Zhi-Gang,LU Jian-Wei,LU Ming-Xing,YANG Wen-Bing,FAN Xian-Peng. Effect of rice straw on the physicochemical properties of field surface solution under waterlogged incubation[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2010, 18(1): 20-24
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戴志刚1, 鲁剑巍1, 鲁明星2, 杨文兵2, 范先鹏3
1.华中农业大学资源与环境学院 武汉 430070;2.湖北省土壤肥料工作站 武汉 430064;3.湖北省农业科学院植保土肥研究所 武汉 430064
摘要:  采用模拟培养的方法, 研究水稻秸秆用量对淹水培养土壤表层溶液理化性质的影响。试验根据秸秆还田量设0 g·盆-1、100 g·盆-1、200 g·盆-1和300 g·盆-14个处理, 每盆装土15 kg, 施尿素2.8 g以调节系统碳氮比, 分别测定培养液的电导率、pH、全氮、全磷、全钾等指标。研究结果表明, 各处理表层溶液电导率在培养初期呈上升趋势, 第36 d达到最大值, 分别为960 μs·cm-1、1 150 μs·cm-1、1 467 μs·cm-1和1 620 μs·cm-1, 随后略有降低, 到培养结束时分别为683 μs·cm-1、910 μs·cm-1、1 083 μs·cm-1和1 277 μs·cm-1。pH值在培养的前3 d呈缓慢下降趋势, 与秸秆用量呈负相关; 从第4 d开始pH迅速升高, 16 d后达到相对稳定状态, 到培养结束时变化不大。施加的尿素导致各处理培养液中全氮在20 d内保持较高浓度, 随后全氮浓度迅速下降, 到第76 d, 下降趋势减缓; 施加秸秆对全氮浓度影响较小, 施加秸秆能够提高全磷含量。秸秆中钾释放迅速, 培养1 d后, 溶液全钾含量达到较高浓度, 分别为6.87 mg·L-1、36.10 mg·L-1、60.27 mg·L-1、114.23 mg·L-1, 在整个培养期全钾浓度变化不大。淹水培养条件下施加秸秆能够增加培养液中电导率、全磷及全钾浓度, 与秸秆用量呈正比, 但对pH、全氮影响较小。从养分流失角度考虑, 控制田面养分流失主要时期为水稻秸秆还田后30 d内。
关键词:  水稻秸秆 模拟培养 土壤表层溶液 理化性质 养分流失
Effect of rice straw on the physicochemical properties of field surface solution under waterlogged incubation
DAI Zhi-Gang1, LU Jian-Wei1, LU Ming-Xing2, YANG Wen-Bing2, FAN Xian-Peng3
1.College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China;2.Soil and Fertilizer Station of Hubei Province, Wuhan 430064, China;3.Institute of Plant Protection and Soil Science, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Science, Wuhan 430064, China
Abstract:  The objective of this research was to determine the effect of different rates of rice straw returned to soil on field surface solution properties via experimental simulation. Under four rice straw rates (0 g·pot-1, 100 g·pot-1, 200 g·pot-1 and 300 g·pot-1), with 15 kg soil and 2.8 g urea of a pot, electrical conductivity (EC), pH, total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and total potassium (TK) were determined in the experiment. The results show an obvious increase in EC at the beginning, and peaks of 960 μs·cm-1, 1 150 μs·cm-1, 1 467 μs·cm-1 and 1 620 μs·cm-1 after 36 days of the experiment for the four straw treatments, which are then followed by a slight decrease. EC for the four rice straw rates at the end of the incubation are 683 μs·cm-1, 910 μs·cm-1, 1 083 μs·cm-1 and 1 277 μs·cm-1 respectively. pH slowly decreases in 3 days of the experiment, the decrease is negatively related with rice straw rate, and then increases rapidly till 16 days, after which it gets relatively stable. The treatments have high TN concentration at the beginning of the experiment caused by urea application. However, TN declines rapidly from the 20th to the 76th day. Less effect of rice straw application on TN is observed. Rice straw return increases TP. There is an obvious increases in TK on the 1st day with 6.87 mg·L-1, 36.10 mg·L-1, 60.27 mg·L-1, and 114.23 mg·L-1 TK in surface soil solution. TK is steady during the entire experimentation period. Returning rice straw to field increases field surface solution EC, TP and TK concentration. While there is a positive correlation between rice straw rate and the above variables, rice straw return has little effect on pH and TN. In terms of nutrient loss, the critical time for controlling N, P and K loss is 30 days after straw application.
Keyword:  Rice straw, Simulation incubation, Field surface solution, Physicochemical property, Nutrient loss
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