引用本文:李伟光,陈汇林,朱乃海,陈珍莉. 标准化降水指标在海南岛干旱监测中的应用分析[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2009, 17(1): 178-182
LI Wei-Guang,CHEN Hui-Lin,ZHU Nai-Hai,CHEN Zhen-Li. Analysis of drought monitoring on Hainan Island from standardized precipitation index[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2009, 17(1): 178-182
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李伟光, 陈汇林, 朱乃海, 陈珍莉
海南省气象科学研究所 海口 570203
摘要:  本文证明了利用Γ分布拟合海南岛不同尺度降水量的可行性, 并结合实例分析应用标准化降水指数(SPI)判断评价海南岛旱情。结果表明, 不同时间尺度SPI值结合使用可以准确判断海南岛旱季和雨季不同类型干旱的开始、持续时间及严重程度。在海南岛, 冬春季节采用6个月和12个月的SPI指数, 夏秋季节采用1个月或3个月的SPI指数进行旱情监测较为可行。
关键词:  标准化降水指标 时间尺度 干旱指标 海南岛
Analysis of drought monitoring on Hainan Island from standardized precipitation index
LI Wei-Guang, CHEN Hui-Lin, ZHU Nai-Hai, CHEN Zhen-Li
Hainan Institute of Meteorological Science, Haikou 570203, China
Abstract:  The feasibility of simulating precipitation on different temporal scales on Hainan Island using Γ Distribution model was reviewed in this paper. Drought conditions on the island were determined using Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). The results show that the combination use of SPI with different time scales can be useful in identifying the onset, duration and intensity of different degrees of drought during dry and rainy seasons. It is therefore suggested that 6 and 12 months SPI in winter-spring season and 1 or 3 months SPI in summer-fall season can be used to monitor drought conditions on Hainan Island.
Keyword:  Standardized precipitation index, Temporal scale, Drought index, Hainan Island
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