引用本文:刘 静,王连喜,戴小笠. 宁夏农牧区荒漠化草场风能发电提水模式资源评估[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2003, 11(2): 99-102
LIU Jing,WANG Lian-Xi,DAI Xiao-Li. An evaluation of resource for pumping water with electricity generated by wind energy in area of agriculture and husbandry in Ningxia[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2003, 11(2): 99-102
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刘 静, 王连喜, 戴小笠
宁夏气象防灾减灾重点实验室 银川 750001
摘要:  利用风速观测资料研究分析了宁夏广武荒漠化草场风速变化规律,对风能密度、有效风速小时数、风能发电量和提水量进行估算,并提供了不同时期可能灌溉量与灌溉面积。结果表明广武年均有效风能密度为120w/m2,属全国风能资源区划一般区内,年均有效风能储量为562kw·h/m2,3~20m/s有效风速累积4680h,属风能资源可利用区,不利于发展大中型风电,但适合风电井灌提水的家庭经营小型农牧场,其风能资源可使广武额定功率2kw 的风力机抽水2.0~5.2m3/h,可满足2~7hm2人工草场或农田生长季灌溉用水,解决农牧区生活用电和人畜饮水。
关键词:  风能 资源 评估
An evaluation of resource for pumping water with electricity generated by wind energy in area of agriculture and husbandry in Ningxia
LIU Jing, WANG Lian-Xi, DAI Xiao-Li
Ningxia Laboratory for Preventing and Avoiding Meteorological Disaster,Yinchuan 750001
Abstract:  In this paper,the variety of wind speed is analyzed by using wind data in arid grassland and irrigated newly cuhivated land at Guangwu in the center of Ningxia.The densities of wind energy,the hours of effective wind speed,the kilowatt-hour of electricity generated by wind energy,the mas of water pumped by electricity energy,the posible amount and area of irrigation in different seasons are estimated.The results show that the annual average density of effective wind energy is 120W/m2,which meets the requirements of the general area coverage in the national wind energy division.The annual mean reserves of wind energy and hours of effective wind speed accumulated for 3~20 m/s are 562kW ·h/m2 and 4680h respectively,which belongs to the sections available for wind energy in the national wind energy division,and suitable for miniature design of wind power electric generator usable for pumping water and irrigation in miniature farms,but not for installation wind power electric generator set.A 2kW electric generator can pump water for 2.0~5.2m3/h and irrigate 2~7hm2 in growing season in Guangwu,which meets the requirements of electricity energy and water for people and livestock in the center of Ningxia.
Keyword:  Wind energy,Resource,Evaluation
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